
Get the current points of a connected user.


Get the current points (non-qualifying and qualifying points for tiered programs) of a connected user.


Returns a Promise containing an object with the total current points and the next movement (points expirations). Example :

    "nq_points": {
        "next_movement": {
            "date": "2023-09-01 13:52:37",
            "value": 120
        "total": 120
    "q_points": {
        "next_movement": null,
        "total": 384


In this example, the user has 250 points including 120 expiring the June 27th 2023.

Code example

splioSDK.getUserPointsBalance().then((points) => {
  console.log(`You have ${} points`);
  console.log('Number of points expiring: ', points.next_movement.value);